The Returned & Services League (RSL) Flag

Colours: Blue, Red, White and Yellow.

Proportions: Width to Length = 1:2

The Flag of the Returned Services League (RSL) features a representation of the constellation the Southern Cross, the Federation Star and the badge of the RSL.

The RSL was founded in 1916 as the Returned Sailors and Soldiers Imperial League of Australia (RSSILA). In 1940 it modified its name to the Returned Sailors’ Soldiers’ and Airmens Imperial League of Australia (RSSAILA),in 1965 changed it to the Returned Services League of Australia (RSL) and in 1990 altered it to the Returned & Services League (RSL).

It was set up, among other things, to continue the camaraderie forged during war, to provide support for veterans, welfare for their families and dependants and to remember the sacrifice made for Australia.

The Symbolic Meaning

The five stars in the fly of the flag symbolise the constellation the Southern Cross, representing the stars Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta each with seven points and Epsilon with five points because it doesn't shine as brightly as the other stars in the constellation.

The Southern Cross is a prominent constellation seen from the southern hemisphere. It denotes Australia’s geographical position in the world.

The Federation Star located beneath the RSL shield represents unity, with a point for each of the six states and a seventh point representing the territories.

The shield is a symbol of readiness at all time to render service to Crown and country.

Red represents the blood ties between the RSL members. White signifies the purity of motive for joining the League and blue indicates a preparedness to offer assistance to another member anywhere under the blue sky.

In the centre of the shield are a sailor, soldier, airmen and servicewoman marching arms linked in comradeship. They are encircled by the League’s name, which symbolises unity and equality of all ranks within the League.

Resting behind the top of the central badge are two wattle branches, which represent Australia. The other plants symbolise the historical link to Wales (leek), England (rose), Scotland (thistle) and Ireland (shamrock).

The Price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance